
Resource Centre For The Arts
Duration: 2 hr

Issue #47 is almost here! Help us celebrate with a Cinq à Sept launch in April. Really excited to be putting together this important (and fun!) discussion on Review Culture — Who Needs to Talk About the Arts?

Featuring our Riddle Fence non-fiction editors, Andie Bulman and Meghan Greeley, #47 reviewers Deepesh Paudel and A Powell, and our special guests: playwrights Robert Chafe and Santiago Guzman! Hosted by our own Megan Gail Coles.

Bring your questions and be ready to hear about new, upcoming opportunities with Riddle Fence. Come spend your Happy Hour with us, in collaboration with the RCA Cinq à Sept series!

Wednesday, April 12
Cox & Palmer Second Space, LSPU Hall

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