Riddle Fence is a Newfoundland and Labrador-based journal of arts and culture, currently published three times yearly. We endeavour to publish high-quality fiction, non-fiction, poetry, visual art, and creative non-fiction from our home province, across Canada, and around the world.
New! Please take a look as our windows and process have changed:
Submit for FREE: Our free submissions windows are open ONLY from October 1 – November 30 and February 1 – March 31, or until our submission cap is reached, whichever comes first.
Submit ALL YEAR ROUND: Can’t wait? You can submit to us all year round with a new, paid subscription– at a discounted rate!
Contests: Our contest window is open from April 1 -July 1 each year. Find the details here.
ALL submissions are accepted through our Submittable portal only.
We only accept previously unpublished work; Riddle Fence contributors may appear in the magazine once per calendar year. At this time, we do not accept work that is written, co-written, or assisted by AI.
Riddle Fence licenses first serial rights (copyright remains with the author) and pays $50 per published page for written works and standard CARFAC (non-profit) fees for visual art.
For fiction: Please be sure to submit a .doc or .docx file. Submissions should be double-spaced. Our suggested maximum word count is 3,000 words — but if it’s brilliant and a bit longer, send it over.
For creative non-fiction: Please submit your work as a .doc or .docx file. All other formats will be rejected. Double-space. Make sure your name, title, and word count appear on every page of your submission.
We’re seeking work with a taut narrative drive, emotional resonance, and thoughtful explorations that grapple with a theme. The grappling is key. Tension is non-negotiable, as is strong prose. For examples, please read Andreae Callanan’s “All the ghosts a voice can summon” and Bushra Junaid’s “On Hosting.”
Shorter essays are more likely to be published. Our suggested maximum word count is 3,000 words. Occasionally a complex and brilliant piece will demand more words but that is extremely rare.
For poetry: All poems in a single submission should be included in a single document. Poetry submissions may be single-spaced. Please submit no more than 10 pages per submission (3 to 5 poems is best). No more than one poem on a page.
For visual art: 300 dpi minimum. We publish in full colour but we also accept black and white.
Include a cover letter with your name, contact information, title(s) you are submitting, and one to three lines of biographical information about your writing career.
Put your name on every page of your submission.
Riddle Fence accepts simultaneous submissions, but you MUST inform us immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
Be patient. We receive many submissions, and it may take up to 6 months for a response.